A detailed shop flow is provided in each project’s evaluator guidelines in order to help you have a rewarding and successful experience. Since specific requirements vary from client-to-client and month-to-month, we urge you to read through the evaluator guidelines and the evaluation form prior to every shop. We want you to have a great experience, so please feel free to contact the scheduler or other contract person provided in the evaluator guidelines if you have questions.
Best Practices for a successful shop:
Before Your Visit
Log in to your Mystery Shop Evaluator home page and click “View Visit Details or Fill Out the Form” for the shop you have agreed to perform.
Read the evaluator guidelines and the evaluation before your visit.
ALL projects require a proof of visit (i.e., receipt, business card, quote, floor plan, etc.). Check the evaluator guidelines for the type of proof needed for your shop.
During Your Visit
Be sure to double-check that you’re at the correct address!
Perform all required portions of the shop. Depending on the type of shop, requirements could include a home tour, a purchase and/or return or a test drive.
REMAIN ANONYMOUS!! This is key. Behaving as a regular customer protects your status as a Mystery Shop Evaluator and allows you to have a typical customer experience.
Be sure to obtain the required proof of visit item(s).
After Your Visit
Once you have completed your shop, we suggest going immediately to a location away from the shop site and writing down the DETAILS while they are fresh in your mind.
Details can include:
- Specific items/features mentioned by associate(s)
- Names and descriptions, as required
- Timing for the visit
- Any other shop specific details
Remember this – details tend to be forgotten with time, so TAKE NOTES!!
Submit the evaluation and your proof of visit by midnight on the same day of the shop (unless otherwise noted in the evaluator guidelines).